Sad but keeping faith

Celina • Celina Macias
So my husband and I have been ttc for 10 months now. All we've gotten is bfn's 😥 
It's really hard hearing your friends or family announce their pregnancies and having to be happy for them. I've always wanted to be a mom and sometimes I feel like it's never going to happen for me. I had a chemical pregnany in October and had a miscarriage when I was about 19 years old (with my husband) so I know we can get pregnant , it's  just the keeping it part that's hard. One good thing that is about to happen in my life is that I'm going back to school next month and finishing college . So I'm hoping school will distract me from focusing so hard on trying to get pregnant , that it will happen on its own. But to every woman who is struggling and starting to lose faith, just remember , your not alone. God knows the right time. It may seem like forever but he's taking his time to make your baby special and perfect just for you .