Sooo confused!

So, I found out in September that I'm pregnant, got it confirmed in the ER, my EDD was April 3, according to my last menstral cycle. I had insurance issues for a couple of weeks but ended up back in the ER twice due to kidney stones/infection and a bladder infection, (at that point, I THOUGHT I was 16 and 17 weeks pregnant, respectively) being pregnant, they did ultrasounds to check the condition of my right kidney. I ended up being hospitalized for nearly a week (at the orders of my OB) . The day after i was discharged from the hospital, I had a prenatal appointment. My OB had then told me that she was changing my due date to April 20 because on the first ultrasound from the ER I was measuring at 14-3. Ok, that's fine. So, fast forward to my anatomy scan at my (new) 19w5d. I got a paper saying my "date of confinement" is April 4? (I know that "EDD" and "date of confinement" are used interchangeably) I called my doctors office and asked them and no one really gave me a straight answer. I'm so confused because April 4 and April 20 are quite a bit apart. So now I have no idea what my actual due date is. 🙄