I feel ungrateful and don’t deserve my husband

My husband is one of the sweetest guys and he’s very logical always does things according to the books.

However, we both have two different perspectives of life and it’s always his way of life over mines because he claims his perspectives are right.

Long story short: I moved to a different State to be with him and it’s been the hardest thing I ever done. Leaving family and friends and the home town i grew up really took a huge toll on me. But it’s the Choice I made and should not blame him. What I don’t like is that he only allows me 1 week or a couple days twice a year (after consistently telling him) to visit my family and calming it’s more than enough and I should move on and find other important things in life. I thought his statement was highly inappropriate and I should not replace family or humans with a hobby. Just like I would not want him to ever replace his parents or siblings.

Another thing is I want kids and he’s telling me to wait until the right time meaning until I’m done with school. I told him I only have 2 years and I’m done and I could handle a baby and school. I’m up for a challenge especially since I’m always bored. I know a child isn’t to fulfill my boredom i always wanted kids and love children so much and wanted as soon as we got married but it’s now 2 years in our marriage and he’s still telling me to wait which is making me inpatient. He’s using his book of logics of why we can’t have kids right now and his way of life is so complicated while mines is so simple. He wants everything to be easy and is scared to make big moves while I on the other hand love a little challenge. I feel like being busy in life keeps me energized. I don’t like his ways and it’s always his way even after communicating with him.

I feel like the bad person because I want things without “thinking” while he’s being smart about life choices according to everyone i talk to. What is your opinions?