Baby momma drama

Ok ladies. I need your help. I am currently pregnant with a man who has a child with another woman.. We moved in together a long time ago.. And the baby momma cannot move on. He's not even seeing her and all shes been trying to do is sabotage our relationship. She keeps sending people to stalk my social media accounts, sends people to tell me things through messages .. She doesnt know I'm pregnant and i dont want to let her know because I'm scared she'd do something crazy.. Its realy annoying everything shes doing. She today sent someone to tell me that he got her an apartment and tells people that she lives with him, takes her flowers and spoiles her ect but i dont understand since he lives with me. I honestly think she's delusional. On thanksgiving while we were together she was with her friends celebrating thanksgiving ( friends of her thay know me ) and she was talking about her " husband " aka my fiancé lol saying that theyre going to get married etc and saying he was busy at work so he couldn't be with her on thanksgiving. its really obnoxious and pathetic how shes making up these lies. I just don't understand why.. Also she WONT let him see his child unless he goes sees her. So shes forcing a relationship with her. She wasnt even his gf when she got pregnant. She was just his fuck buddy and now she's causing all of this problems. The other day she called me to let me know that she wasn't going to give up on him... And shes like " i can't believe he prefers playing house with you over his child" lol. Anyway, what can i do? I dont want her to know im pregnant because im only 10 weeks and not 100 percent sure if the baby will make it. And she  will try doing something to me when she finds out. What can i do to embarrass her or expose her lies? Im tired of her shit. She's insane. 
Edit : sorry for the typos i was shaking while typing this.