
My baby's 5 months old, I posted on here a couple days ago about being scared about cancer from what I read on Google, leukemia to be exact and said that I'm bringing him to the hospital instead of his doctor that kept brushing things off even though his face grew a lump as big as a kiwi.

Day 5 at hospital now and today's the day his getting a biopsy on his lymph nodes.

Ultrasounds have been done twice and it shows an abscess in his lymph nodes but really deep so they can't exactly see everything.

They think it's just an infection caused by his eczema that we've been battling since 8 weeks, that also kept getting infected and his been on lots of antibiotics and topical creams for but we seen a dermatologist 2 days ago and seems the way his doctors been instructing me to care for his skin is all wrong.

Since they think it's an infection, his been on IV antibiotics for these 5 days, but it's not getting any better, worse even, so his been starved since 3am (it's 9am now) and all his paperwork is ready to go into theatre to have a needle (less risk of facial nerve damage), and a biopsy done to determine if it is in fact an infection or even worse that I first suspected.

I'm scared. Idk why I'm even posting, I guess it's helping me get to terms with what's actually going on.

Anyway, wish us luck ❤️

Reason I was suspecting the worst is symptoms are frequent infections, his also prone to illnesses like the common cold. Had a fever many times, rashes is also a symptom. I just put his symptoms into Google and that popped up. So yeah it could just be an infection needing to be drained and eczema managed better, but I'm worried about what's causing all this to happen, and I pray it's nothing 🤞🏻