Is my relationship a bad one?

My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years, moving in together in September. He can be very sweet and loving, and he’s funny and can always make me laugh, and I love him to pieces. Most of the time it’s lovely, but other times it not.

For example, we were with his friends last night and we were having a great time and he was his funny, bubbly, great self and it was great. Then when we left, literally the second his friends door closed, he was back to how he can be with me. Moody, grumpy, and like I annoy him.

This isn’t a first time thing where he’s like that, he’s like it quite a bit. It’s like every thing I do isn’t right? I kinda walk on eggshells sometimes around him and worry what I can say to him to not annoy him, like if his team loses at football I can’t say anything about it even if he does I get told to “shut up you don’t know what you’re talking about” and hung up on if I’m on the phone. If I step weirdly on the floor, I’m told I make a mess (for example) if I put my makeup bag on the floor for a minute whilst I’m putting my stuff away. I tried to kiss him and he accused me of sexually assaulting him (in a jokey way?) because he didn’t want to. He never apologises for ANYTHING, even when I’ve proven him wrong he just tries to make a joke about it. I broke down in front of him last night and just said how I felt and he told me he was sorry and that he loved me but it’s not the first time he’s said he’s sorry 😅. We argue sometimes and it’s just bleh.

I just wanted some advice because I feel like I can’t talk to anyone about it, my family really like him, my friends like him, and I don’t want to ruin that if he does change finally and it gets better?😅