Live porn

I’m ok with porn I have my fair share, from here and there. But last night I saw him at our kids room and wake him up to come back to sleep with me. I saw his phone picked it up.

This morning we were suppose to go fishing and he’s alarm was going off. I shut it off 3 times at the 3rd I thought how many more does he have. At each one I was tried to wake him up. Well I gave up at the 3rd. I unlocked he’s phone and bamn. STRIPCHAT I thought ehh maybe an add then I go back a page,we’ll a few he actually search it . Live woman strip/porn to payments. I did check he’s acct and no more payments but maybe credit card I really don’t want to look I think I’d make me angrier. He woke up and asked have you seen my phone”. I handed to him with the striping open like he left it. I said “porn is one thing live stripping another”. Tell me why he try to flip it.. any way you guys ok with it like is it just more porn Orr I should be upset