Think I accidentally saw baby’s gender 😬

DisneyMom🐶👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏻👼🏻🌹🦄 • Busy mom of 3 under 5 Proud mom of an amazing Preemie Warrior and an Angel 👼🏻 in Heaven. Hoping for our 🌈 baby soon.

I was at my second anatomy scan for baby to recheck the heart, spine etc. We planned to wait until birth to find out boy or girl. The ultrasound tech was looking at the legs (waving the wand or whatnot) really fast by the crotch and I swear I saw boy parts 😩 and she kept saying “he” We’re happy with either girl or boy. I’m more upset paranoid about potentially knowing. I’m afraid to ask my husband if he saw because he’d definitely be honest. He thought he saw it last time. we just find out now or just wait like we had planned? Baby due September 19th