Would you get upset if you saw someone feeding your dog

And you have explicitly asked them not to?

We share a rented property so there's only so much I can do to try keep my dog in, she is a small determined dog. I have explained to the people we share a property with that sorry but short of replacing the whole fence (which I cannot do because it's a leased property), this dog WILL find a way to get to your side. Please ignore her.

Note : the landlord knows I have dogs but says he's done his duty by putting up a divider between gardens, and the other people assured me that they LOVE animals so they'd love a visit from her. I said fine but please don't feed her (we have other dogs and it will cause jealousy issues if she brings her treats back home and this dog is food aggressive, plus she's an old dog with a sensitive stomach).

They did this anyway, I tried to proof the property a bit more, she still found a way out. We asked them again please don't feed her, they did it again anyway (in fact went out their way to buy dog treats), and I tried to proof even MORE. I've used mesh fencing, piping, ropes, you name it. I'm also limited to what I can use without it looking shabby.

I haven't seen her with treats lately so I thought OK, they've stopped. However today she was outside on our side of the fence. I was watching her to try identify her next weak spot, went to get my coffee, and next thing you know she has a dog biscuit! I didn't give it to her and I don't even have that shape in the house!

So now I'm annoyed because again, this dog is food aggressive and if any of the other dogs had seen it, there would have been a fight. In fact a few weeks back, this dog's ear had an injury and I didn't know where it might have come from, and now I'm thinking if they didn't throw a treat over and cause a little scrap between them.

Would you be upset? She was on OUR side of the garden, in the fence and we have asked not to feed her more than once. I haven't been able to identify where she gets out this time yet, but I mean this time she was in her own yard. I'm even starting to wonder if they're not purposely creating spots for her to get out now.

For additional info : the other dogs don't go over because they're too big to squeeze in anywhere, this isn't something I'm trying to encourage. I am trying my best to see where she gets out but I'm at the stage where I genuinely believe they're helping her out. I can't find any gaps. I do monitor her 95% of the time but I can't sit at home all of the time, I do have to go to meetings occasionally or to the shops or something. I try limit these because I do generally plan my life around my pets (sad as that is).