Opinions please!! Desperate


I need mom’s opinions on if I should get an epidural or not. And it’s not like oh if I need it I can get it. My home town hospital doesn’t do them. But the big cities around do. And I need to choose which hospital to go to. I had an epidural with my 1st bc of 15.5 hours of 10/10 pain the entire time. See the problem now is that gas prices are so high I don’t know if I can even afford to go two hours to the city for check ups and all that jazz that I will have to do. But I also don’t want to say I can do it without an epidural knowing how much pain I was in with my 1st and if I choose to stay in my home town hospital it will not be a choice at all. I’m so torn and extremely stressed out about this and only have two months to decide.

Pic so I don’t get lost ❤️🙏🏻