36 weeks many questions 🤦‍♀️

Hey everyone I’m just curious about a few things I’ve had going on recently this pregnancy has been completely different from my other two so these things seem odd to me. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes idk if these symptoms are just from this or if I should be preparing for baby’s arrival sooner then later is there any tips to ease some of these discomforts

sorry for any TMI statements

The passed 2 days I have felt nauseous, gassy sometimes if I burp a puke a bit. Today I have had the need to poop on and off all day but can’t go I don’t think it’s constipation as I just went 2 days ago. Baby has been head down for weeks now, my stomach feel a very heavy the passed few days, baby is still pretty active after dinner during the day it’s slight movements off and on. My back was really sore yesterday and part of today. I haven’t had contractions or any leaking that I’ve noticed anyway. I feel like my excitement/ nerves are getting to me making me think something is happening that isn’t but I honestly don’t know what’s up lol I do have a OBGYN appointment this week but thought I’d see if anyone else experienced these things that might have advice to calm me til I see the dr lol thanks for reading and any advice offered I appreciate it 😊😊