Doing this for me

He broke my heart so I’m gonna break his heart. I’m going to have his child and raise without him.

Okay edit since people are jumping to conclusions.

He broke my heart by sleeping with my own mother and getting her pregnant. My mother was my own best friend, I am hurt on both ends. I longer speak to both of them. I am currently pregnant with his child and decided I want to raise my child without him and move away. So me “breaking his heart” is cutting all contact and not letting him see or have anything to do with this baby. I’ll tell my baby when he or she is old enough and let him or her decide what they want to do.

******Update from me:

Hello everyone, thanks to those for the supportive comments. It’s really been a difficult and rough few days. I am heartbroken, I am numb, I’ve just lost what I thought two of the most important people to me. Just to let you all know that I am sticking with my decision (not that it’s any one else’s decision to make) I cannot take the betrayal, the toxic mess this whole situation is.

Mother and ex decided to be together and raise their child. I have moved out to stay with my father and his partner. I am not looking for any money or anything from him. I just want to be far away as possible. The moment I walked out the door with my things my deadbeat ex said to me “We are going to be one big blended family (and smiled)” I am so disgusted and don’t want my baby around people like them.