Bachelorette party

In the next three weeks i have a bachelorette party for my friend from college to go to where obviously there is going to be drinking.

I am currently pregnant (27) and it’s really early on. I haven’t even told my parents yet as I’m waiting for the appointment. I don’t want my friend to pressure me to drink as I know she will and my other two friends might so I was thinking I can call my friend (the one who’s Bach party it is) before hand and just let her know I’m pregnant and if she can just keep it on the DL since it is early. I don’t want to announce it there and make it all about me.

I’m also worried as she is a tad religious and I feel like she may judge me for being pregnant before getting married (I’m currently engaged). So I rather just call her before the party so I’m not making it all about me.

OR I can just lie and say I’m on antibiotics and can’t drink but honestly, that’s going to be hard since they will all be doing drinking games and what not.any advice?