Advice on DV..



So this morning me and my fiancé woke up and we both were feeling great, waking up next to each other is amazing but it ended up taking a turn when he wanted to m*sturb*te which I have no problem with he’s done it before so it wasn’t a big deal, but out of confusion especially from just waking up I asked him, “what are you doing”, he then got flustered and said, “what does it look like”, anyways I I notice what’s going on so I shrug it off and give a giggle to let him proceed and then he stops and just says, “never mind I don’t want to anymore”, and then he asks me, “why do you always make it weird for me when I try to j*rk off”, I reply by saying I’m sorry and that I didn’t mean to make it weird for him as I was just asking a question to what he was doing because I didn’t know, but he just ended up getting mad saying I make him feel insecure and continues to say I shouldn’t of said anything to begin with then none of this would’ve happened, let’s take a step back from that and let me mention we don’t have much s*x ever since I got pregnant and it’s not like I don’t want to because of him it’s just I don’t mentally and physically feel like it, but it seems like this happened because he’s not getting s*x but when I try to express that’s what he makes me feel like he’s doing then he denies it and continues to say I make him insecure.. after all that happened this morning he just starts getting even more upset and starts yelling and saying mean things to me, I recorded some of what he was saying but it just hurts because he doesn’t understand that he treats me poorly but turns it on me being the one that treats him bad, honestly anytime we argue it just ends up feeling like it’s my fault. I don’t know what to do or say as we have a baby on the way and are engaged… I really do love him but even therapy wouldn’t fix this, just some advice with me nice of similar experiences and what you did that resolved the solution. I could really use someone to talk too…🙁