Family Troubles

Hello all.

I could really use some advice. Lately I’ve been struggling with mental health. I’m torn between my family and my fiancé. It’s like I have to choose between one or the other. If I choose my family, I am afraid I’ll never live life the way I want. My family is very traditional and also strict. The whole 22 years of my life I have been following what they want me to do. I never do what I want. I always do what makes everyone else happy. If I choose my fiancé, who I am madly in love with, his family expects me to sweep everything under the rug and pretend I’m perfect and have no mental health issues. They don’t want me to go to therapy (they claim if I want to be a mother I shouldn’t be going to therapy) and they think therapy isn’t the answer. Basically if I’m having mental health issues I should lean on my fiancé and not see or talk to a therapist about it. I’m so torn on what to do. It seems like no matter what I do I lose in some way. Does anyone have any advice??