Boundaries with female friends

So my boyfriend has three very close female friends that I am very uncomfortable with. I was fine at first but then I found out he lied to me about having sex with one of them before me. And then he went bar hopping with one of them who used to send him sexy photos and lied to me about it. And then the third one straight up pulled me aside at a party to tell me she will always be his number one and I need to be okay with their flirtatious and close relationship. He’s had something with each of them before me and he talks to them everyday. He’s got a Snapchat streak of 300+ with them. I have never been one to tell my bf he can’t have certain friends and I truly believe guys and girls can be friends but he’s told me in the past he does find them attractive and they are important in his life. I have a guy best friend but we are not like that AT ALL. It makes me feel so uneasy. He does everything with them that he does with me 😕. Today I told him I was planning on going out with an old friend who’s in town to catch up and he asked if we ever had anything and I said we hooked up a long long time ago and he said he’s uncomfortable with me going out with him because guys just want to get in my pants. Oh and not to mention he tells all these females he loves them after hanging up the phone. Am I wrong to feel this way?? I just feel like if he’s allowed to do all of this why am I turning guy friends away out of respect for him? I don’t like this double standard shit. Not sure how I feel and I just can’t ask him to drop them it doesn’t feel right.