Mild Cerebral Palsy

Bridget • Amelia's Mom 💕

My daughter Indie was diagnosed with Mild CP two months ago.

It’s been a bumpy journey:

She’s made so much progress in her therapies .

Her old pediatrician told me there was nothing wrong with her not walking. the other things I noticed , were just “normal” it was just labeled as her personality. Another doctor agreed with me that something was up.

I fought to get my daughter a new doctor, she was evaluated and diagnosed with it right away.

She sees a neurologist, 3 different therapists, and specialist two hours away as well as her new pediatrician.

She experiences issues walking on her toes at times, turning her feet in, and clinching her fists.

Hers is very mild but it’s hard. Some days she will be fine others she will experience hard times and absent seizures, and have problems with trying to balance.

We are thankful she has help, it’s improving and that she will live a “ normal” life.

She’s getting leg braces on in less then 4 weeks.

This post is mainly to say always trust your mom gut!