Did I make the right call? Dating a friend

I started officially dating a friend (let’s call him C) about 2 months ago. We agreed to date casually because he would be moving to another country 4 months from the point we started dating (so he’s leaving in 2 months). He will be gone for at least two years.

I’ve started to catch big feelings for him and things are feeling intense. My last relationship was abusive and this ‘relationship’ has been increasingly more difficult for me to process.

C does know about my past relationship and he is so kind and gentle with me. I have learned so much from him and I have not ever felt this loved and cared for before. It’s becoming a really serious relationship. But I’m triggered by a lot of things, it’s a lot of processing and emotional up and downs for me. I am becoming really invested.

Tonight, I told him that I do not want to continue growing our relationship and that it is healthier for me to focus and enjoy our friendship with the time we do have left. He said that made sense.

Neither of us want a long distance thing, and the time zone difference is 8 hours. I’m starting to have doubts and miss him but it was going to end eventually and there was nothing ‘casual’ about the relationship. He feels more like a boyfriend to me than my abusive ex of 3 years ever did.

Do you think I made the right call? I’m having some doubts and I already miss his goodnight texts