Would you be hurt if she said this

I’m on vacation with my sister and her husband

It’s a long story but basically they had a destination wedding they were invited to, and I had to come because I watch her kids every day while her and her husband work. So since the kids know me the best out of everyone in my family, I got to go.

The plan was for me to watch the kids the day of the wedding and then I’d have the rest of the vacation to myself (they made a week out of it to make the trip worth it)

This entire trip I have felt completely taken advantage of because I have had absolutely ZERO time to myself. They tried to take my single bedroom and have the kids sleep with me, they tried taking it so they could each sleep in separate beds from each other, they go out almost every night so I have to put the kids to bed which was something we agreed upon before the vacation that wouldn’t happen.. I get left with the baby every. Single. Day. While they go out and explore and do hay rides and horse back riding in the rain forest and anything else a 18 month old can’t go to. Which we agreed we would take turns staying home with the baby but we leave tomorrow and I’m the only one that has stayed behind with him for the entire week

Anyway… I think what bothers me the absolute most is that whenever we go to the pool or to dinner someone always comes up when talks to my sister and brother in law about the fact that they have 4 kids and they’re amazed that they have 4 kids… then they see me and look at me with huge eyes and ask if I’m one of their kids too… specially last night this happened and I tried to say “no I’m the aunt” but my sister cut me off and goes “no she’s the nanny”

She literally has introduced me to EVERYONE has her nanny and not her sister or the kids aunt

And then in front of her friends at the pool, the friends kept making comments about how they only have 1 or 2 kids and they don’t know how she does it with 4….. and I’m literally standing directly next to her and she takes all the fucking credit.. doesn’t give her husband credit who does 99% of the parenting and doesn’t even give me credit when I’m the only reason she’s able to even go to work and provide for the kids!!!!

I’m so ready to come home!!!