5 week ultrasound - showing 3 days off from my last period- normal?


Hi ladies!

So I went it for my first (early) ultrasound today (I have a history of two miscarriages and I'm 43 so this is why I'm having such an early scan). Based on my last period (5/24), I should have been 5 weeks 3 days. But they dated me 5 weeks. Is it normal to be off my 3 days? The thing is, I know what day I had my peak LH - which was 6/4 (cycle day 12), which would put me at ovulation on day 13-14...does this make a difference?

In any case, they did see the gestational sac and it’s in the uterus, and that's what the nurse said they were checking for this early. They didn’t yet see a yolk sac or fetal pole (but it's too early). This is one of the reasons they dated me at 5 weeks instead of 5 weeks 3 days. The nurse did say it was normal for this to be a bit off since we don’t know the date of implantation... My next scan isn't till 7/14. By then, they expect to see the embryo and see the heartbeat. 🙏🏼🤞?? Trying not to worry. Thoughts?

Would love to hear about any similar experiences were everything ended up ok! :)
