How did you find out you have HSV 1or 2

So for me it was back in 2018 I was pregnant with my now 3 year old I ended up going to the doctor's because after having sex with my man I just didn't feel right down there , like I kept itching so I mad an appointment with my obgyn so we could run labs

. After a couple days my results came back so I had to come back to the doctor's crazy part is that day I was throwing a party for me kid so my man and kids where with me I walked in , checked in . I THEN waited .. just for her to tell me everything was good except the facts that the one test that they usually don't test for which was herpes , the test was positive...

Later on for me to find out that he was messing around with some how who was knowingly spreading it around because the dude who gave it to her didn't tell her so she felt that she didn't need to disclose it