Threatened Miscarriage


I am feeling very discouraged. Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

I am 7 w 3d pregnant. I have had no complications up to this point.

On July 4th I started having spotting following intercourse that morning. At first I wasn’t concerned because I know it is common. Throughout that day it progressively got worse and I began to have cramps similar to bad period cramps. I was also passing small clots at the time. By that night I got very spooked and went to the ER to get evaluated. The ER doctor took a urine pregnancy test which came back positive of course. He then felt my stomach to see if I felt pain. He told me he was not concerned due to being intimate before the bleeding started and told me to call my OB in the morning.

On the 5th the bleeding and cramping slowed down in the morning. I had contacted my doctor and they asked me to come in and get labs. The cramping and bleeding picked up again around 3pm that day. The cramping was bad enough to wake me from sleep that night.

On the 6th I got in with my OB in the morning. At my appointment she got out an external ultrasound and said she found the heart flickering and was very encouraged by that so no further testing was done. When I got my labs done she checked to make sure I was not anemic but never tested my HCG levels. I left very encouraged that my baby was ok. That night I began to have severe cramping to the point where I needed to take some Tylenol because I couldn’t even stand up straight. I also passed two dime sized clots.

Today the cramping has been worse than it has been so far. I am still bleeding but haven’t noticed any clots. I called my OB she is thinking it is a threatened miscarriage but is hopeful that the baby is fine. I wish I could get some reassurance through hcg levels or a better ultrasound when the bleeding stops. My first scan is supposed to be scheduled for the 21st.

Let me know what you all think. If anyone has had something similar I would like to hear about it.