Anxiety help!


I apologize in advance for the book I’m about it write. I’m almost 19 weeks and have been diagnosed in the past with generalized anxiety disorder. I went off meds more than a year ago when we started seriously trying for a baby because the one I was on was absolutely not pregnancy safe. Over all I was doing really well which is surprising as I also went through a pretty traumatic miscarriage last fall. My anxiety has been manageable. But since I’ve been pregnant again I’ve noticed it creeping up. It seems to spike anytime I get close to a “big” pregnancy related test. For example the NT ultrasound and NIPT tests were triggers but things settled again once I got those results. I’m the last week it’s gotten bad. My heart is pounding and racing. My resting heart rate is in the high 90s a lot of the time and it’s just super unnerving. I’m not short of breath and I have no chest pains. I don’t actually think there is anything really wrong. But the ongoing high heart rate is not helping me chill out and it feels like I’m in this vicious cycle. I’ve got my anatomy ultrasound on Tuesday and I’m sure on some level that’s contributing to it. That and I’m still not really feeling my baby girl move more than every day or so. I already called my doctors office and they just told me to try and relax. They left a message for my doctor but she’s in surgery today and may not even see it.

So any other mommas who’ve been here. What worked for you? Thank you in advance for any words of wisdom or BTDT advice.