Do not get discouraged !✨✨✨



Let me start off by saying, the body is an incredible thing. I didn’t think I’d end up pregnant so quickly after coming off my BC. I tried for 5 months. Month after month we got nothing but negatives. This final month however, my period was supposed to show up June 26th. When it didn’t show I thought nothing of it as my schedule and personal life are HECTIC to say the least. I felt like I was Pmsing so again went about my business. After the second day of missed period I decided why not test.


So again I thought, probably just stress right?

Day 6 comes along and still no period in sight so now I’m really stumped. I’ve never been this late. Test again. Negative AGAIN. So obviously I start panicking. Something’s wrong with me. Try to calm myself and I tell myself if I don’t have a period in the next three days I’m going to see a doctor.

Day 8 comes and nothing still so I test again and what do you know

But I’m not fully convinced, maybe it’s an evap. Or just a false faint positive. So I wait again. LADIES, I didn’t have a firm positive until DAY 10. Mind y’all, I was having the worst headaches of my life.

It took me almost two whole weeks after a period was due to show up positive! I know the waiting game sucks and is dreadful but trust your body and TRUST THE PROCESS.