Iud issues?

My Hormonal IUD was placed 6 weeks ago while I was still on my period on like the last day. I had unprotected sex the next two days (he pulled out, but I know that isn’t great) and took a plan B immediately after that. A day after the plan B (so four days after the end of my period) I had egg white thick cloudy discharge. I took a negative pregnancy test 3 weeks later and another negative test at 5 weeks after (exactly a week ago) (it was a cheap one though so is it accurate?). I would have had a period this past week, but I’ve been spotting light brown and some light red for a few weeks now. Ive been incredibly nauseated and had bad acne and some sharp cramping on and off for the past several weeks as well. Is it possible that I could still be pregnant, is this an issue with the iud, or a period on the iud with my body adjusting to it? I figure the test would have shown a very clear positive at the 5 week mark if it was going to, right?

I was told that placing a hormonal iud on the last day of my period (like day 6) would be immediately effective and the plan b wasn’t necessary, but with the nausea and the spotting I just want to make sure? I’ve had unprotected sex since then, and he’s pulled out, but that was like weeks after my iud placement and the strings have been fine.