Help!! 5 weeks and struggling mentally


I am 5 weeks 4 days today. I am stuggling mentally a lot. On 9dp5dt my beta was 199 but on 11dp5dt it did not double and was 315. Went again for another beta on 15dp5dt and it was 1651. My doctor was happy and scheduled me for my first ultrasound 6 weeks 6 days.

Now, I am just stuck here with the symptoms and every single cramp that I have getting paranoid about. Had a brown spotting 5 week 3 days and it triggered me. I am just so scared that my pregnancy is gonna end. Its after 7 years of marriage and an year after seeing fertility specialist I have gotten my very first positive test.

I am scared to even say I am pregnant.

I dont even want to go for an ultrasound as I am terrified of finding out something that will break my heart. Scared of ectopic, blighted ovum, baby not growing.It is getting really hard for me to cope. Have you ladies struggled with this feeling. How did you cope with it?

I really need help?