Just looking for positive vibes 😣


I had my FET on 6/17. I transferred a 5 day 3AA embryo. I had a faint positive at 4dp5dt and darker every day after that. I had a positive beta at 10dp5dt of 154. My next beta at 12dp5dt was 269. I had my first ultrasound at 19dp5dt which showed a sac and yolk. My beta this day was 4089. At 21dp5dt I had an unexpected painful cramp in my leg. I text my husband and told him I think I’m cramping. I sat down on the toilet and gushes of bright red/dark red blood came out. It wasn’t exactly filling a panty liner but it was dripping out when I sat on the toilet. I bawled my eyes out and we went to the ER because it wasn’t stopping. After 5 hours in the ER we were diagnosed with a tiny subchorionic hemorrhage. The ER doc said it could’ve been bigger before I came in since I bled a lot. We still saw the sac and yolk on the ultrasound, and the yolk looked slightly bigger. My HCG rose to 6701 which was good. The bleeding tapered off about an hour after I got home and I haven’t bled since.

Now I have another ultrasound scheduled tomorrow. My husband is going on and on with positivity and how we will tell our parents. But I just can’t get rid of the anxious feeling of when will the other shoe drop? I’ve had one pregnancy in the past but it ended in a chemical. We’ve been trying to conceive for 3 years now. I’ve heard subchorionic hemorrhages are common in <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> pregnancies but I just can’t get over it.

I guess I’m just asking for positive vibes and prayers if that’s something you believe in. Thank you! 💛😬