Need to vent..


I just need to vent.. This is my 4th pregnancy, with my first 2 I delivered vaginally but with my 3rd I needed a C-section “due to baby being wedged sunny side up”. So when we found out I was pregnant with this baby my mil asked when my C-section would be scheduled for. I told her I’m not having one and am planning on a vbac, my mil looked at me like I was crazy. My midwife had already agreed I was a great candidate for a vbac. Fast forward to my 20 week ultrasound and I am diagnosed with posterior placenta previa.. so complete pelvic rest and we will monitor it. My husband was with me when my midwife told us that if the placenta doesn’t move we will need to do a repeat C-section 😩😭; which I completely understand and know it will be necessary. I am assuming he told his mom I may need another C-section because yesterday she called me and asked when my C-section is scheduled for. I am beyond annoyed. Like can you just join us and pray that the placenta will move so that I can have an uncomplicated vaginal birth? I am just so irritated that she just wants me to schedule a C-section so that she knows when the baby will be born, like it is the easier option. Maybe I should inform her that that means she won’t be able to meet the baby for at least 3-4 days after the baby is born because I’m not rushing home from the hospital. Plus my midwife won’t even commit to a C-section until 36 weeks to give the placenta the chance to move.

The C-section with my son was so hard recovery wise and even though it went smoothly I still feel like it was traumatizing to the point that I didn’t want to ever have to go through that again. Plus it didn’t help that my husband went back to work a week after I came home so I had to haul kids to school and figure out everything in the house by myself. I’m just feeling defeated and needed to vent, so thanks I’d you made it this far.