feeling down


im 25 weeks and wanted to have my babyshower at least 2 months before my due date to give me time to get the rest of the items i’ll need off my registry that weren’t purchased. my sister and best friend had plans to plan it out for me because I planned both of their baby showers and took care of everything as far as expenses.

I didn’t throw them their baby showers expecting anything in return because i didn’t really want kids so it’s not like i was hoping one day they would do the same for me.

when I found as I was pregnant I was actually so excited because im so in love and picture my life with my partner and when I told them they immediately talked about planning the shower.

at first they were always mentioning it and after telling them I wanted it beginning of september they stopped talking about it.

it’s like pulling teeth now when I mention it or bring it up. i keep getting shut down. I was just going to throw and host my own but tbh it’s kinda depressing throwing your own shower when people don’t come through for you. had i had plans to just throw it myself from the start it would be a different story.

I told my boyfriend I would rather just spend that money on the baby and what she needs but it a still hurts knowing my own sister and best friend are kind of letting me down.