Implantation Bleeding, Ovulation Bleeding or what?


So I am 19, female, and I have been with my bf for three years. He and I decided, I was gonna get off birth control. I haven’t been on birth control for about 6ish months, my cycle went back to normal, until last month. My cycle was off, it was way lighter than usual but still a few days worth.

Fast forward to July 10th 2022, 14 days until my period. I’m experiencing a pinkish/brown color when I wipe after using the bathroom.

July 11th, the spotting is still there, it gets a little darker pink/brownish

July 12th- it become a light brown

July 13- 1:43am last I used the bathroom it wasn’t anything on it yet.

What do y’all think?

I had unprotected sex, withdrawal method on July 2,3,4,6,7,9th and 10th(on the 10th very early like 1am). From my bf and I knowledge we don’t think he finished anywhere in me, but I know Precum and sometimes you never truly know.

I’ll post pictures below! TMI