

I just found out that my place of employment is going out of business and I'll be unemployed as of mid next week. I've worked for the same mom & pop store since college, so this has basically been my only job for the past 17 years. I'm currently 30+2, so I guess I'll be starting my maternity leave early (I wasn't going to get any paid leave from work anyways, my husband gets 6 weeks). I wasn't sure how soon I'd want to go back to work after the baby is born, and I was thinking of cutting my hours anyways. Luckily we have a good amount of money saved up and my husband makes the majority of the money, so I'm not too worried about financials right now.

I was originally going to sign up for FMLA (I'm in NJ), but my boss mentioned unemployment. I don't know anything about this stuff, so I was hoping someone can give me some advice on what I'm supposed to sign up for.