Hello 3rd Trimester 💙🐻🍼

Rachel 🖤👩🏼‍🍼

Officially hit 28 weeks on Thursday 🥺

Only 12 more weeks until my sweet boy makes his grand entrance and is in my arms 🖤

*sidenote* at my 28 week appointment I asked my midwife if I’d be getting anymore ultrasounds done, and she said my anatomy scan is the last one I would get unless I go over my due date. Is that common practice? I’m only asking as this is my first full term pregnancy and I don’t know what’s standard.

Also, can we just note the difference between 22 weeks and 28 weeks? My bump is finally popping and I’m so in love 🥺🖤

Lemme see everyone’s bumps. I love seeing the progression 🖤