My first pregnancy... Don't know what to think

Last Friday I went to the hospital because I woke up bleeding and with little cramping so I went to the hospital they later came to tell me that I was expecting twins and I was over joy about the news. A couple days later I begin to bleed a lot more and my cramps were stronger then last time. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and I found out I had lost one of the babies and they told me that I had sympothems of a miscarriage with this one as well but my cervix closed and they still couldn't find a heartbeat but they did see a blood clot and they told it was going to pass thru. The next morning I woke up full of blood and my mother in law told me not to worry that that was the blood clot but some how I worry that I might of had a miscarriage again. I don't know what to think but I keep praying that it was just that and not our little baby. I keep thinking the worst and I have an OB GYN appointment next week and I'm scared their going to tell me I have nothing in there anymore.