My first pregnancy... Don't know what to think

Last Friday I went to the hospital because I woke up bleeding and with little cramping so I went to the hospital they later came to tell me that I was expecting twins and I was over joy about the news. A couple days later I begin to bleed a lot more and my cramps were stronger then last time. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and I found out I had lost one of the babies and they told me that I had sympothems of a miscarriage with this one as well but my cervix closed and they still couldn't find a heartbeat but they did see a blood clot and they told it was going to pass thru. The next morning I woke up full of blood and my mother in law told me not to worry that that was the blood clot but some how I worry that I might of had a miscarriage again. I don't know what to think but I keep praying that it was just that and not our little baby. I keep thinking the worst and I have an OB GYN appointment next week and I'm scared their going to tell me I have nothing in there anymore. 
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Stay positive and I'll pray for u. I also am going through something similar. This Monday I got the news of a baby with no heartbeat and a miscarriage. Still no pain or blood. But I can't stop thinking about that. Even if we do decide to try again the process of losing this baby is not easy.


Posted at
When I went in for my dating ultrasound I had been very concerned about continuous brown spitting that had been occurring for weeks after getting the ultrasound done we found out it was twin conception but one sac was empty the other fetal pole yolk sac and heartbeat of 150 bpm. Doctor explained that the brown spotting could have been from the other baby not making it which calmed me because there was an explaination. I go back to the doctor on Jan 5 no spotting in the last two weeks but I'm terrified something will happen to the one that survived I pray day and night that baby is okay. This is our first and we tried for three long years. My symptoms have been minimal so that also freaks me out. Just stay positive and I'll pray your baby it doing great. Pregnancy is scary I worry all the time you are not alone. 


Devinne • Dec 23, 2015
Thanks everything will be fine just keep thinking good thoughts


Yesenia • Dec 23, 2015
Thank you for that and I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy. I'll pray for you and your baby as well 😊 thank you


Devinne • Dec 23, 2015