Rant #2

My friend and I are going to an amusement park and while she was driving she got pulled over for going 95. The officer asked if was it an emergency or if she just wasn’t paying attention. I was hoping she was just going to saying she wasn’t paying attention for a second and it would get the interaction over with quicker because most of the time the police already know if they’re going to give you a ticket or not. and since I’m not the driver I stayed quiet because to me I think it’s not my place to speak because I’m not the driver and the car isn’t mine. When he asked she said “um, what’s the emergency ?” Like she was trying to think of one. And she hesitated before she said “Uhh it’s a personal matter” which after that in my head I’m like yeah he’s going to give her a ticket for sure. And he did. After I was like we were talking about it and she said she couldn’t come up with a lie and I was like “lol if you don’t have a fast lie ready you should just say you weren’t paying attention to get it over with easier” because the officer clearly wasn’t gonna buy some bullshit like a ‘personal matter’ especially with hesitation and she said I could’ve came up with something fast too. I’m like bruh you had already hesitated and I feel like it’s weird to speak up after that especially if she could’ve taken the easier route instead of trying to lie when she didn’t have something prepared because he was definitely going to give her a ticket. Like if you’re gonna finesse your way out of a ticket you have to think quicker than that. As a passenger it’s not my place and it’s weird when the driver clearly doesn’t know how to respond more quickly, it would have been a clear lie coming from my mouth so how was exactly was I suppose to step in and just take over the conversation ? 😑