Shelter in south carolina

Does anybody know anything about homeless shelters and does DFCS or CPS get involved if you go to one with your children. I’m just assuming cause I’ve failed to provide a home for them and do they help with jobs how would I even get a job if I can’t afford a babysitter to make a long story short my kids father has always been childish/selfish in my eyes he’s always picked his self first if it came down to him or my kids. I’ve always try to ‘work it out’ for my kids but I’m tired and drained. He told me I didn’t need a job cause he would ‘take care of us’ so stupid. I have NO ONE . I have no one to watch my kids so I can work I have no money. Nothing. The only thing I have is an old car that barely works a phone that’s contract and gets turned off Thursday. Only reason it’s still working is cause they say I have till Thursday to pay it. I have no gas in my car. The shelter is 30 miles away. I just need words of encouragement, advice, anything. I’ve had it all and I’ve been down with nothing so I try to stay humble.