Think i need Some advice..


So my husband's friend was in an accident and has been in the hospital.. my husband went to visit him and ended up meeting his friends 24 year old daughter for the first time. Visiting hours end at 7pm. My husband didn't get home until 9pm. Anyways, I ask him what he ate for dinner... because usually by now he's hangry and can't wait much longer to eat... he tells me he ate pizza when he came home. Later on I get a text from his friends daughter thanking him for dinner. I ask him... he says it was hospital food. Come to find out they went to some restaurant. Mind you, his phone is off the entire time he's gone. Doesn't turn it on until he's almost home. He tells me its none of my business where they ate. He gets pissed about it. Says his buddy asked him to do something and he did it. His buddy is paralyzed. This daughter has wanted nothing to do with her father the entire time we have known the guy. Thats almost 6 years. I feel like I deserve to know what went on. Am I wrong?? Y can't he tell me where they ate? Please give me ur honest opinion on this. I have been crying my eyes out over this because he doesnt even know her and he is choosing something like where they ate.. over me. Maybe im stupid but I feel like he did something wrong