Struggling with laziness

I know it's not like a major issue but I'm struggling with being lazy. I feel like i have no motivation to do anything. I'm an introvert so i usually stay at home most of the time anyways but when I used to work i would GET TO WORK. and now i have no job and i stay in bed most of the day just on my phone. I get so frustrated with myself but i can't get out of this runt.

I've recently moved to a different state to my sisters house and i honestly feel so lonely here. All i do is drink sometimes.

And i want to get a job but im scared to get into another toxic workplace since that's what I experienced before.

I guess I'm just stuck in my head... Or in the media so i don't have to think or worry about anything.

I know i sound like a bum. Call it whatever you want to call it. But idk i just need some advice or some encouragement.