Why do I want to pull away from my bf?

Ok so he’s only been my bf officially for a month. I’ve been seeing him for nearly 3 months.

I have asked him for a few things such as I wanted him to communicate better with me during the day, and I also wanted him to listen to me better when I talked, and a couple other things. He agreed and said he wants to do those things for me.

And he’s doing them. Above and beyond my expectations too. His communication throughout the day is perfect, he listens to me so well and makes me feel heard and comfortable and cared for. It’s only been a little while so hopefully it lasts.

But the thing is, the better he gets, the more scared I get. And idk how to stop.

He was texting me throughout the day and telling me how his day was going etc, just as I asked. And I didn’t reply for a few hours. I was busy the first hour or so but the next two I was just so terrified of the fact that he was doing what I asked and making me feel good and I couldn’t bring myself to reply.

I don’t know how to stop and give him a chance and enjoy it. I don’t want to be pulling away. I just don’t feel like I deserve it and I feel bad bc I feel like I forced him. I always feel bad asking for stuff.

It’s bc my ex and I would fight all the time and id have to beg him to treat me the way I wanted to be treated (pathetic I know, I’m embarrassed that I did that). And he would be better for like 2 weeks and then back to normal and we’d fight for a few days and id have to ask to be treated better and repeat. Went on for a year (relationship total length was 3.5 years). We broke up 2 years ago and I haven’t had a relationship since bc I was scared of how much work I needed to put in. I was exhausted.