

So I originally posted this in another group but got no response, and as I can see there are mothers of multiples in this group I thought some of you might know 🙂

Sooo I'm currently pregnant with baby #3, 9wks2days and I with my first bub, I breast fed right up to 14 months pp (my supply was so good I could probably have supplied a factory for breastmilk) then I fell pregnant with my second. But with my second, breastfeeding was a struggle, like my supply at the beginning didn't feel like it come in as strong as the first time, and my bubby actually dropped a percentile because he wasn't getting enough milk, I saw a lactation consultant and they got me on domperidone and pumping and still I got nothing, and by 8 months of continual pressure not to give up, I gave up and gave my boy formula and he jumped 2 percentiles instantly and has flourished ever since, so he actually was starving the poor darling. So my question is, has anyone experienced that with their first two and then successfully breastfed their 3rd? I'm so anxious I won't be able to breastfeed this baby 😪 especially because my breasts haven't changed much this time around when with my other two my breasts were always aching this early in pregnancy