I’m nervous please help

Quanisha • Living life the way God wants me to and being happy
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This is a positive! Congrats! Sorry for you struggles and losses!!


Quanisha • Aug 21, 2022
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ I just get so scared because I been through so much that I sometimes don’t want to believe what’s in front of my eyes


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Congratulations and sorry for your losses


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Here’s a quick story ( not so quick) on me I’m a plus size woman who struggled with keeping a pregnancy until til it’s do date I had a miscarriage a few time a still birth and I have a 5 yr old son thanks to the help of my wonderful doctor and team of specialist and now that my son is order and I’m 31 now and my husband and I are newlyweds we wanted to try again so I after 3 years of having a mirena iud I had it removed and for 2 hrs straight we tried and tried and tried but nothing so last year December my husband and I got married and that Christmas we we’re bless to find out we were pregnant but soon after I ran into some complication and and I was told the baby wouldn’t survive and at 11 week I lost it but now I’m back and I’m a week late I took a test but it faint to me the test said to wait five minutes before reading the results I’m just so unsure and I don’t want to get my hopes up because we are really trying to have a 2nd baby please help me the test is a pregnant test from Amazon and I’m not sure about the results