No bump

I just really want to feel like I’m not the only one… or that this time will be different.

Did anyone else not get a bump?

I had my son at 35 weeks and never had a bump. Flatter than ever.. not even bloated. I went to the ER (a lot, I have HG) at 32 weeks for preterm labor last pregnancy and the front desk person thought I was lying that I was pregnant.

Don’t get me wrong.. it was nice to be able to get my shoes on and bend and such but.. I’m getting really insecure again because I’m 12 weeks this time and not even bloated at this point. I have a feeling it’ll be the same thing again. It’s just really depressing. I don’t get the comments or the clothes or anything..

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With my 3rd baby no one who wasn't told knew I was pregnant. I just looked like I put on a few pounds but no roundness, no bump. I saw one of my husband's acquaintances regularly about once every 2 weeks throughout. I saw her again when my baby was 2 weeks old and she actually asked me whose baby it was. She had no idea and it took some convincing to get her to believe she was mine! I totally get how you feel! Then with my next pregnancy I got huge and people thought I was having twins! Every pregnancy is different.


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You also don’t get stretch marks or excess skin and will ‘snap back’ right after birth. Don’t get me wrong, I love being pregnant and I do get excited when my bump actually looks like a bump and not bloat but you have to make the best of the hand you’ve been dealt. There are lots of positives about not having a bump, too - try to focus on those. And the fact that you don’t have to buy maternity clothes is a plus in my book - they’re not always flattering and expensive to say you only get to wear them for 5 months before they become redundant.


B • Aug 21, 2022
You might end up showing further down the line - I think it'll be a wait and see kind of thing. Since it's your second pregnancy, you're more likely to show quicker and look bigger so who knows?! If you don't end up showing, try to keep those postives in mind. 💜


Ni • Aug 21, 2022
Don’t mind not showing right now, that’s normal but.. at 35-40 weeks is really making me insecure


Ni • Aug 21, 2022
No I know, about all those positives. I try to be positive. I just wish I could feel like I’m not the only one. I don’t even feel/look pregnant besides being sicker than a dog the whole time. It just sucks no one knowing you’re pregnant either. I snapped back last time so that was nice, I actually lost 30 lbs during pregnancy. However I gained 80 lbs postpartum so now I’m bigger and won’t be snapping back, well, maybe to how I was before yes but not to being skinny atleast.