Extreme pain


I am currently 35 weeks and 3 days. I’ve had prodromal labor since 29 weeks. Was just admitted to l&d Sunday night and went home Monday afternoon for more intense contractions and pain. They checked me three times during my stay and the last check I was 50% effaced. I had an ultrasound down yesterday to check babes growth and placenta to see if they could find why I’m in so much pain. Her head and femur are measuring at/below the 3rd percentile. She also has a distended bladder. I haven’t heard back from my OB yet and I’ve called several times. I thought my water broke yesterday before the ultrasound but the tech said my fluid looked normal. My cervix is still closed. But the pain is getting worse. I can hardly move in bed and getting out of bed I have to have help and I want to cry the entire time I’m getting up simply to go to the bathroom. I’m not sure what to do. I was told there’s nothing they can do for the pain but I don’t feel like this is normal. This is my second pregnancy and my first I had at 35 weeks due to ruptured membranes.