Modern Fertility HPT’s are superior!


No pregnancy tests here (can put them in the comments if curious, though). But I do wanna say how heartbreaking an indent can be.

Last month, I had a HORRIBLE indent on FRER. Even my friends, and family said it was definitely a positive test. Until AF came in full force. I was devastated!

So this month, I opted out of taking FRER for early detection, and instead used Modern Fertility at home tests. I did some research before hand, and the MF test are the same sensitivity as FR. But without indents!

My first MF test was done at 9dpo! It was faint, but pink and it was there! That same day (directly after taking the MF) I took a FRER to confirm. And the MF test was still so much darker than the FR. The FR was a squinter for sure, and could barely be seen.

My advise is to use MF for early detection! They’re cheaper, and more trustworthy in my opinion.

Baby dust to all TTC, and happy testing!!! 💓💓