Pregnancy after DNC? How long?


I’m scheduled to have a DMC this week and my husband and I were talking to my doctor about future pregnancies. Surprisingly (thankfully) she actually said there really isn’t any significant reason to wait to try again. This obviously made my husband and I happy because we were planning on trying again in the next two months. She just mentioned that waiting one cycle would allow for them to have a solid date to go off of if it were to happen. I’m not sure if it’s because she considers me rather healthy or if it’s because our baby stopped growing weeks before we found out (very early at 6 weeks but didn’t find out until after 8).

Has anyone else’s doctor said you don’t necessarily have to wait?

Has anyone else gotten pregnant in the first or second cycle after a DNC and it turned out to be a positive experience?

Looking for positivity 🙏🏻