Boyfriends mom

She told me the other day that she told her work that we’re having the baby on these dates so she’s gonna be up there. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but now I think she thinks she’s going to be at the hospital with us. Which is a no. I don’t want his mom staring at my vagina. I also want it to be a special moment for my boyfriend and I. I don’t want anyone else there and if I did it would be my mom. I get it she’s excited and everything but she didn’t even ask. Then my boyfriends brothers wife was telling me that she was at their house waiting for them to get home after they had their baby. I don’t want to be bombarded right after I have a baby. When I’m in diapers and uncomfortable. I want a few days that way my other children can meet their new sibling & we can settle in. I haven’t talked with my boyfriend about this because I don’t want to say the wrong thing. Which I can’t tell her because she’ll HATE me so I’m not even sure how to start this conversation about boundaries. HELP.