Have you ever thought you felt conception take place?


I have been called crazy for this by my friends and family, but I was curious if any mamas experienced this also.

While TTC my first child, I was journaling my experience. I confirmed my ovulation by temping and symptom recording. At 5DPO is when I first began feeling pressure in my uterus. I described it to my friend as a "bubble". It was on the lower right part of my uterus. I felt that bubble until I was 11 weeks, which was when my baby began "fluttering" (and I was told this couldn't possibly be movement but I felt it). Praise God I went on to have a healthy baby but I did suffer from HG from 5 weeks 3 days forward. Maybe because I was so sensitive to my hormonal changes prior to 5 weeks when the HGC begins rapidly increasing. I can only speculate.

I found out I was pregnant with a faint line at 7DPO this time, but I felt the SAME exact pressure and bubble in the lower right side of my uterus as I did the first time begining at 5DPO (same as before). I wonder had I early tested with my first pregnancy would I have found out sooner than the recommended test date on Fertility Friend, which for me was 12DPO.

Both times I fell pregnant I knew before a test confirmed it. There's a very specific pressure in my uterus, it's not pain. It's somewhat like dull menstrual cramping. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Please don't shame me for sharing this, I am not trying to upset anyone by saying this it's just my honest experience.