Early pregnancy complications , praying this baby stays❤️


I am finally pregnant with my rainbow via <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> after a

missed miscarriage in 2020 at 8 weeks. Everything has been going great, but yesterday at my weekly check up things took a small turn and I'm really worried. was supposed to be 6w5d and baby measured 6w , we saw a strong heartbeat and that's encouraging but it was to tiny to get a BPM. I got my blood work back and my progesterone dropped from 14 a week ago to 9.3 somehow... I’m thinking maybe I didn’t get my progesterone suppositories up high enough , my clinic is having me start PIO injections nightly now. I'm panicking and afraid this pregnancy is going to end in another loss. I know I shouldn't think worse case scenario but it's so hard not to when I've already been through so much. I have to wait another

week to go back in and it's been impossible to concentrate on work or basically anything. It should be a happy time and I've done nothing but cry and be stressed the last two days. Praying this is just a minor set back and our baby chooses to stay ❤️