Abnormalities on ultrasound

Emily • One miscarriage at 10weeks pregnant 08-7-16 Had my rainbow baby 01-17-18 Jaxson Joseph 💜 Pregnant again 2021❤️❤️

I had my 20 weeks scan today and they said everything looked fine with my Little boy except they found a few small concerning things that they want me to get re checked by a specialist the findings where: Echogenic focus of heart of fetus affecting antepartum care of mother, border line Ventriculomegaly of brain on fetal ultrasound, Nuchal fold thickening on prenatal ultrasound but unclear being of position, does anyone have any advice or helpful info on any of this, my baby was kicking around like crazy and had good strong heart activity, Also at my 12 weeks scan they told me everything looked fine and the Nasel bone was present