Clear blue digital 1-2 worried about chemical

So I only started getting faint positives around 9days ago even though I was on around cycle day 40!

My lines got a bit darker but not as dark as some I have seen on here. I decided to hang fire a few days and do a clear blue digital. Which came back pregnancy 1-2.

But last time I got that result it ended in a chemical misscarraige. So now I am really worried about the dates and im thinking I should go buy another normal test to see if the line has progressed. I don’t have a clue how far along I’d be so tbh maybe the 1-2weeks since conception might be correct?

I just don’t have any symptoms like I have done in previous pregnancies (one 5y/o and one chemical in April) which is making me doubt everything. Please could someone advise me on their experiences!